Program 3 - European and International Cooperation;
Subprogram 3.6 - SUPPORT
Awarding participation in Horizon 2020
REnewable COGeneration and storage techNologies IntegraTIon for energy autONomous buildings
Short description of the awarded project:
Title: REnewable COGeneration and storage techNologies IntegraTIon for energy autONomous buildings (RE-COGNITION)
Website: www.re-cognition-project.eu
The main objective of the project is to develop innovative technological solutions, based on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) installed in buildings, to optimize energy consumption and thus reduce costs, in order to achieve the goal: building with almost zero energy consumption (NZEB).
The main activities within the RE-COGNITION project:
– Envision and development of a building- wide Automated Cognitive Energy Management Engine (ACEME) – ICT-based – that will monitor, predict, optimize and control the energy flows in the entire building. The proposed system intends to fill the gap between the demand and the locally generated RES-based supply through the optimal allocation of energy production between intermittent (Solar, Wind) and stable primary sources (CHP, grid);
– Deliver breakthrough innovations in core RES technologies for the buildings’ sector in Europe, aiming at the maximization of systems’ performance for a lower cost;
– Enhance interoperability, resiliency and scalability through a hybrid Multi-Agent System (iGateway) architecture;
– Ensure optimal integration planning of RES and subsystems, based on a multi-criteria decision support tool facilitating installers and building owners’ decision making proces (BEPLATO);
– Small-Scale Testing and Validation of the final solution in close to real-life forward-looking scenarios in 6 pilots sites, representing different climate zones and building types (Innovation Hub – Electric Corby, Northamptonshire, U.K.; Complexul de Natație, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, România; Primăria și Școala Elementară din Lizzanello, Italia; Centrul de Energie – Politehnica din Torino, Italia; Sediul Central al Companiei HELPE, Marousi, Grecia; ITI nZEB Smart House CERTH, Salonic, Grecia);

– Create and evaluate customer-centric business models that will effectively exploit the potential of the proposed solution in several energy markets in Europe (at least in the 7 European markets represented in the consortium).
Description of the activities financed by the project PPH2020_44/2021:
- Encouraging experienced researchers, but more importantly motivating young researchers in the team, by awarding with research grants. This will have as an impact the loyalty of young researchers, the increase of the research potential of the team and the possibility to maintain and even increase further the involvement in international projects (There are currently 4 project proposals submitted and under evaluation and 3 projects under development on related topics: integration of renewable energy, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy management in local communities)
- The UTCN team intends to develop project proposals as a coordinator, involving reserachers from other university departments in order to provide a multidisciplinary approach in EU-targeted research directions. These actions aim at the development of the human resources involved in the writing of the projects, as well as the quality of the elaborated projects.
- In order to increase the impact of publications and the visibility of the university, we intend to publish during the implementation period of the project, in ISI or IDB journals, as well as to participate in dedicated conferences.
Results achieved in the first year of implementation:
- 8 research internships
- 2 papers published at the International Conferences, ISI și IDB indexed:
- Crețu M., Darabant L., Czumbil L., Ceclan A., Stet, D., Micu D. D., Demonstration scenarios for renewable energy technologies integration in different pilots sites within the RE-COGNITION project”, International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, March 25-27 2021, Bucharest, WOS:000676164800164.
- Farkas T., Czumbil L., Cretu M., Darabant L., Stet D., Ceclan A., Polycarpou A., Micu D. D., Assessment of the Romanian pilot site energy consumption indicators and technical prerequisites in the implementation of the RE-COGNITION Horizon project , Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Power Systems, MPS, 16-17 June, 2021.
- 1 papers published in ISI Journal with impact factor:
- Jurj D. I, Czumbil L., Bargauan B., Ceclan A., Polycarpou A., Micu D. D., “Custom Outlier Detection for Electrical Energy Consumption Data Applied in Case of Demand Response in Block of Buildings”, Sensors, Vol.21, Issue 9, Article Number 2946, WOS:000650782200001, May 2021
- 1 research scholarship
Results achieved in the second year of implementation:
- 2 research internship at the Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2 papers sent to ISI-indexed International Conferences and in the evaluation phase:
- Darabant L., Ceclan A., Crețu M., Czumbil L., Stet, D., Micu D. D., Expected benefits and foreseen steps in creating energy communities in Romania”, International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Signals and BioMedical Engineerig, May 19-20, 2022, Sibiu, România, in evaluation phase.
- Czumbil L., Cretu M., Ceclan A., Darabant L., Stet D., Micu D. D., Numerical evaluation of the induced voltages in an underground pipeline using the distributed source appoach , International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Signals and BioMedical Engineerig, May 19-20, 2022, Sibiu, România, in evaluation phase.
- 1 papers published in ISI Journal with impact factor:
- Mureșan A., Czumbil L., Polycarpou A., Nouri H., Andolfato R., Micu D. D., “Mitigation of transient ground potential rise in gas insulated substations during very fast transient overvoltage”, Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol.207, ID Article Number 107824, DOI 10.1016/j.epsr.2022.107824, February 2022.
- Invited speaker at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 21-23 March, Dubai, UAE, “Energy Efficiency Horizon 2020 Projects. Energy Transition Research Center Perspectives”
- 2 research scholarships